Yamaki USA
What is Dashi?
What is Katsuobushi?
Where can I find Yamaki Products in stores?
How can I stock Yamaki Products in my store?
How does Yamaki display allergens on its products?
Although the product has not been opened, can I still use it after the best before date?
After opening, can I still eat it until the best before date?
It says to store bonito flakes in the refrigerator after opening and to use it as soon as possible. How soon is that?
Where does the Katsuobushi (smoke-dried skipjack tuna) used to make Yamaki's bonito flakes come from?
Where is the skipjack tuna used to make Katsuobushi (smoke-dried skipjack tuna) caught?
I had stored some unopened bonito flakes in the refrigerator and when I took them out they were damp.
Can bonito flakes be eaten as is without being cooked?
The Bonito Topping known as Katsuo Pack says to store in the refrigerator after opening. Does it mean the outer bag or the individual packet?